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Selasa, 10 April 2012

Tsukuyomi: Illusionary Dream

Tsukuyomi: Illusionary Dream

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Tsukuyomi: Illusionary Dream
Kanji 月読・夢幻
Rōmaji Tsukuyomi: Mugen
Literal English Moon Reader: Illusionary Dream
Games Tsukuyomi: Nightmare Phantom
Video Game Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3
Appears in Game only
Classification Mangekyō Sharingan Itachi.svg Kekkei Genkai, Genjutsu, Dōjutsu
Class Offensive, Supplementary
Range Short-range
Other jutsu
Parent jutsu
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Itachi activates his Mangekyō Sharingan, and uses Tsukuyomi on the opponent. The illusion is similar to his original Tsukuyomi genjutsu, as he attacks their opponent with his clones at the pinned down opponent which he mentions is going to be for about three days, while it actually lasts for a few seconds in reality.

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